domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Final Grades

Hi class. These are grades for all my students. Just click on the course and navigate over them. Use the zoom to watch clearer.

English 1

English 2

English 3


Technical English

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009 upload video

And this is the example, uploading a fake mp3 file, and sharing in a blog with code

Creative Commons License
Tutorial Guìa virtual by is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 2.5 Colombia License.
Based on a work at Youtube. signing up

This is an example of how to sign up in

martes, 24 de marzo de 2009


Youtube has also been a tool in my practice as a teacher. Inthe links below you will find a short information on two types of uses I have given to youtube.

My kids: A friend of mine wanted to teach his students in USA some clapping games which are common in Colombia and help develop speaking skills. Watcha nd comment. The participants in the video are my children.

My students: These are some of my studnts presentations. They wanted to upload them just for correcting their mistakes, improve pronunciation and presentation skills.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

My city

Hi, this is my city. These pictures take you on a trip around the city. Click on the link and learn vocabulary related with places in Bogotá.
My city

Photos taken by Yecid Ortega and me in 2003

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Web social podcast

This is my comment about the web 2.0 and its influence in the society, mainly in education.

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009

ICTs in the classroom

This is a short slide show about ICTs presented a year ago. Now it is out of date, but can still work. If you have any comment, feel free to post it. Ova's

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009


Dear students, this space is only for you to write your comments on the chinswing activity. Please tell me how you felt, how you found it and your suggestions for further activities. Thank you and bye. The link below directs you to our group where you can listen to my students.

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

Propiedad intelectual

¿Qué es la propiedad intelectual?
Wikipedia define a la propiedad intelectual como el reconocimiento de un derecho particular en favor de un autor u otros titulares de derechos, sobre las obras del intelecto humano. Es decir, que el uso de estas obras deben ser citados en nuevas obras como referente.

Mi reflexión en este respecto va hacia el uso de los trabajos y publicación de éstos, más específicamente en la red. La creación intelectual debe ser para compartir con otras personas y así enriquecer el conocimiento, se debe dar un diálogo entre el escritor y el lector y que mejor manera que una interacción entre estos dos sujetos.

Creative Commons es una organización que nos permite de forma flexible, especializada y estandarizada compartir nuestras creaciones, además de forma segura ser propietarios de nuetros bienes intelectuales.